Greek language courses and olive harvest

Traditionally, by the end of October during the whole November we pick the olives and produce the olive oil. If you participate in one of the Greek language courses at the end of October or November you will be able to participate in the olive harvest. Every day from Monday to Saturday, between 10:30 and 17:00, you can work picking olives in the small olive grove of the Center. We will also visit an olive mill to see how olive oil is produced and learn to make olive oil soap!

Will the Greek lessons in the fall be combined 100% with the olive picking?

The production of the olive fruit from the trees is a natural process, so it cannot be predicted 100%. Factors such as rain, heat in summer and generally weather changes affect the trees. There are years when we have no olive production at all. So, if you absolutely want to harvest olives in late fall, we need to confirm that there are fruits on the trees that can be harvested. The earliest we can confirm such a thing is a month in advance.

Ikaria in autumn – the weather

The weather in Ikaria in October – November is unstable, nevertheless it is quite warm, although there are some days with rain, wind and maybe a little cold.